June 16, 2020

International Students and Education in the USA After COVID-19

Every significant global event has a tremendous influence on our everyday life. Natural disasters, terroristic attacks, social unrest – they all make us say “Things will never be the same!” But eventually, international students can adapt to any kind of change and start to accept them as a norm. The Pandemic of COVID-19 is not an exception. It has already influenced the healthcare system, business, and daily life and habits all over the world. Those changes are here to stay. Schools are the basic social institution in every country.

It is the place where children are formed as individuals, learn to communicate and adapt. Covid-19 has already influenced it greatly. Those modifications will continue and eventually may become as customary as the restriction of liquids in carry-on baggage in the plane. Lockdown has already taught us not to make any big hairy plans, but let`s try to imagine how American schools may look like for international students after the Pandemic.

The Students Will Change

Before talking about schools and the educational system in general, let’s pay attention to the international students themselves. It is quite obvious that after months spent at home with no possibilities of live interaction and outer tutoring, students will change greatly. Of course, there were a significant number of homestay families who have selflessly adopted the role of mentors and they did their best to keep up with the engagement of their international student.

International students and homestay

But let’s be realistic. Host families and school are two different institutes and it may be quite challenging for a student who has not been home to their country since an early age to suddenly accept a Host parent as a mentor.

US Schools will need new recourses now until the educational system get back on track. They will distinguish most vulnerable students that might need some extra attention and support to go back to the normal learning process. The classes might have to be reformed and teachers should be trained to face students who have completely fallen out of the traditional education system.

Possible Changes in the Education

We already see dramatic changes in the learning process. In addition to widespread home-schooling, distance education was adopted in many US schools for our students here in the US. The possibility of learning from home and communicating with teachers through numerous devices that have been imagined by Sci-fi writers since the 50s has now become a reality. Many speculate on the possibility of reducing the number of teachers, as their permanent physical presence is not necessary anymore. But it is a fundamental mistake. That is why the institute of teachers remains as relevant now as it has always been. A teacher who is permanently available online to communicate, explain, and motivate is vital now and highly appreciated by international students and their families.

The society got a chance to analyze what knowledge and skills will help humanity to survive possible future global disasters. This will have an impact on the educational system and our international students.